Thursday, 18 July 2013

Tips for starting your first home

Phase 1 of my life in the flat will be drawing to a close very soon. After being here on my own for nearly 6 months, it’s time welcome Pete into my home and let the place become our home. I do love living on my own, but I am looking forward to having someone to come home to every (most) nights.

Before the flat takes on the radical transformation from being a home for one into a home for two, I thought it would be worth reflecting on what I did to make this place my home.

Buying a new build has had it’s ups and downs. Downs being lots of little problems that need to be fixed and little things getting rectified by the original builders. Not to mention the massive problems I (and other residents) have been having with the communal hot water system. The system has had some massive problems over the last 6 months. These problems though are to be expected with a new build. Hopefully everything will be fixed and all residents can get on with their everyday lives.

On the up side, I’ve got a huge blank canvas to stamp my identity on. I’ve always loved looking at interior design and used to spend loads of time flicking through the Ikea catalogue as soon as it hit my parents doormat. I used to watch Changing Rooms, Home Front (both versions) and Grand Designs to be inspired by what I could achieve. So, when this blank canvas got handed to me I had to take a step back and make sure that all of my ideas didn’t come spilling out at once. 

I’ve dreamed of this from a very young age as my parents refused to let me decorate my childhood and teenage bedrooms. When I was 15 and I ended up with a dark blue and yellow bedroom (I blame the late 90’s). This has made me very cautious about doing anything too drastic in my new flat.

But, I know for some this can be a bit of a daunting task, so here are a few tips that have helped me along the way.

1 - Keep everything simple
The furniture I chose was very clean, simple and relatively inexpensive. Doing this means that everything you chose can go with it. I’ve always loved a vintage look, but doing a style like this is expensive and takes time to find the right pieces. Once you start on a very stylised path, you can’t really go back. The only strong pattern I have is on the curtains in the living room and cushions on the sofa, which means that I can change it when I need to.

2 - Pick an accent colour
Even before I moved in I knew that the key colour in my flat was going to be green. Once I knew this, I built the rest of the flat around it. Choosing very simple furniture to go with it. My sofa is green, I have a green rug, tea towels, green lamp shades in the hall, green bedspread and even a green watering can. By only using it on a few things means that If you don’t like it after a few years you can always change it. That is also the good thing about Ikea sofas, you can always buy new covers.

3 - Don’t put anything on the walls
This pains Pete, but I haven’t hung any of my pictures on the wall yet. In most new builds they say not to decorate or put things on the walls for the first year. This is so you let the building settle and can get the builder to fix things if cracks appear. I also know that as soon as I put in the first nail, that’s it. I have lots of things leant against walls (very Carrie Bradshaw in her apartment in Sex and City) and am prone to move paintings around until I have decided on the perfect location.

4 - Let things develop and leave space
When I put together my first furniture list I tried to include everything I could. I would've needed a huge budget to buy everything I wanted. So, I sat down and took non essential items off the list and I’m so glad that I did. I have consciously left myself space in rooms, and a few extra pennies, to buy more furniture if and when I need it. Also, if I change my mind and start moving things around, it won’t be an issue.

5 - Treat it as your home, not a show home
It’s great to flick through a magazine and see beautiful homes. But, most of the time they look very soulless. Don’t be afraid to put up and show what you want. It’s your home and no one else's. For me, this means that I have my Daleks, Lego figures and Superman figures on show. I haven’t hidden them away. Make sure you have space to show your stuff.

So just to show you what I’ve done, here are a few pictures of my flat. The before and after. A few spaces, such as the hall and the 2nd bedroom are still in development. This will happen over time. Phase 2 (as I like to call it) is already planned so I will show you more when it happens.

What advice do you have? Have you just moved into your first place. Tell me more in the comments below.

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