Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Hello 2013 - My New Year's Resolutions

So, as the clock strikes 12:00am on 31st December, we welcome in a new year. But what will 2013 bring? What plans are in store? We never know what is going to happen, but it is always nice to set ourselves a few goals to get us through the year, however long they last.

2012 let me have a fresh start and build some foundations. 2013 will be my chance to get stuck into a few projects and really start to build an exciting future.

Here are a few things I hope to achieve in 2013:
- I want to finish writing a TV drama concept I have...not I won’t tell you what it is about
- Kick some new life into #deartuesday - Yes, it’s back. GET INVOLVED - http://bit.ly/deartuesday 
- Write, write and write some more. Maybe blog more too - I think I say this every year
- Take more photos, start a little project and share it with you - it's all about the memories

A few things that I hope to achieve are already in progress and there are a few more things I would love to do if I can fit them in, but this is where I am going to start. If I make too many big plans none of them will happen. So, it's good to start with just a few.

As well as these things, the big thig for me this year is finally buying a flat. It's been on the go since November, but I think (and hope) that all will be sorted soon. I've dreamt of this for many years now and I never thought it would happen, but thanks to the shared ownership scheme, it might even come about. If you're thinking about it and want to know more, let me know in the comments below.

But anyway, enough of planning. Grab yourself a drink (if you are not too hungover from last night) and raise your glass to 2013, the year that you do more.

What are your resolutions? What have you got planned for the next 365 days? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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