Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Gift buying for newborn babies: 8 simple rules


One of my best friends from school brought a bundle of joy into the world last week. Little Thomas weighed in at just over 8lbs and is so cute (I promise you I’m not getting broody).

This was a big deal. Firstly my lovely friend Katie is the first of my best friends to have a little baby. Secondly I am many years away from being a uncle (my brother and sister are younger than me, both in stable relationship, but no way a baby is on the horizon yet). I'm really looking forward to seeing this little one grow up!

So, after this little one was born, plans were made to head down, with Pete, to visit the new family. But then it struck me...what do I get a new born baby?

Being a man, in my mid twenties and gay, I had no idea where to start!
Do you get wine and chocolate for the mum?
A bottle of champagne for the new parents?
Baby clothes for the little one?
A teddy bear to commemorate the occasion?

Luckily, I work in an office with a lovely bunch of women. Some have had babies, others are getting broody while others always know what to get for this type of occasion. A quick email to the "Sisters" of the office and a chat long chat to one of my work mates, I knew exactly what to get....

So, if you are in the same situation as I was, here are a couple of ideas...
DO get chocolate and wine, It's something post pregnant women crave (apparently)
DON'T get any baby bibs, apparently they aren't that useful as the baby won't be eating solids for a while and when they do, parents will probably get a plastic bib as they are easier to clean.
DO get some nice baby clothes, most department stores have some good items, but I was told to go to H&M, because they are quite reasonable.
DON'T get expensive items for a new born, they will grow out of the in a flash.
DO get a baby sleeping bag, they will last for about 6 months and it's something different.
DON'T get baby boots, as most people get them.
MAYBE get some products, like Burt and Bees. (if you want). The products are environmentally friendly and contain natural ingredients, which is good for the mother and the little one.
DO get a teddy bear, you can never get enough of them...

With these tips in mind, you can never go wrong!

Got any more advice for a buying baby products? Please leave a comment below!


  1. I'm of the age where friend are all having little ones, and I normally can't visit too quickly. I tend to use BabyBlooms ( who have bouquets of baby clothes, or Kitoto ( for their cute baskets. I follow it up with a nice wine when I visit :)

  2. Cheers Michael! They are great suggestions! Wish I had known about them before!
