Thursday, 3 February 2011

Review - Remember Me.

To be honest, I’m still trying to decide why I wanted to see this film. The trailers made it look ok and I mean, I do love the the Twilight films...mmm

Anyway, I’m going to state it now that I wasn’t a great fan of this film:
1. It took me about 25mins to get into, I know that isn’t as long as Last Kiss, but still, that is a while.
2. Robert Pattinson acting was a little off. He seemed like he was trying sooo hard not to be Edward Cullen. His character cracked in parts of the film and the soppy, strong, frown-y vampire teenager just came out.
3. Pierce Brosnan seemed to have a very wierd accent.
4. What was with the story? It seemed to be a love story, showing connections that ended up with the lead character getting killed in the Twin Towers disaster, which I was not expecting. The basis seemed to be that it was all about being remembered as a person. But a person who touches others, but doesn't do anything significant. There was lots of little story lines, that were never that, deeply explored and just sat there.
5. What is it with films trying to make out that all students are quirky, closeted, sulky individuals who have no sense of life.

In conclusion, I really wasn’t a fan of this film. It was trying to hard to be something and ended up being nothing at all.

I give it 0.5 stars.

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