Tuesday, 24 August 2010

3 reasons why I miss London..


As many of you who follow me on Twitter know, I have spent the last week and a half on jury service. Following my tweets through the boredom of waiting around to be called, and the joys of finding out I wasn’t needed for 4 days! Whatever anyone says, it’s not the greatest time of your life. There are plenty more things I would like to do than sit around in a waiting room for 2 weeks.

In order for me to enjoy this joyless life experience, I’ve had to come home to my parents house in order to serve. Yes, before you say it, it has been nice to see them and hang out with my brother and sister. But, all in all I miss London!
Here are 3 reasons why...

1 - Public transport and walking. 
Yeah, I know this seems a bit of a weird one. I am lucky to have the luxury of a car when I’m at home, but driving can sometimes take it’s toll. I’m not exactly in a remote area, but the transport isn’t great, so you have to drive everywhere! Yeah I get from A-B quicker, but you have to concentrate. Sometimes it’s nice just to day dream on the train or even take that stroll in the rain through Carnaby Street. Petrol and parking can be expensive!

2 - Good Coffee. 
For me, the best place to get a coffee is to drive into town, even then it’s just another one of those chain places. Working in Soho, there are good number of good independent coffee places to go, try and use their wifi. All in walking distance of my office....maybe I’m just a little spoilt in London...

3 - Saying “I know that great little place”.
When I was 18, the town where I’m from had a great little night life. I would spend most weekends on a Thursday/Friday/Saturday night out on the town with my friends. Now, when meeting up with local friends, I have to pause before answering the question, thinking...’Is that pub still open?’, ‘Do they actually do good food?’ Most of the time you get stuck in chain places as they're the only safe places.

I hope it’s not coming across that I’m having a rant, I feel very privileged to have a job and live in the great city. It’s a place I’m still exploring every weekend and I don’t expect to know it for many years to come. I also hope that I’m not coming across like one of those Daily Mail journalists who moved out of London to life in the country and moan constantly about not living in London.

Some times it’s the little things I miss...but hopefully I will be home in the mother city soon, if I don’t get a case that lasts 3 weeks!

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