Monday 6 December 2010

Christmas is here...


I don't know why, but this year I really wanted to decorate my bedroom for Christmas.

As I'm saving all my money for Christmas presents for my loved ones I had to do it on the cheap! So I head to Wilkinsons!

For £15 I got a tree, baubles, a star, tinsel and some paper chains! Bargain!

Now I'm all set, I even have a Doctor Who advent calendar to count down the days...yes I am 25!

Thursday 2 December 2010

Festive Sights...


So, my last posts seems to be about London's festive sights.

On my walk to see a friend today I saw this in Covent Garden! It's brilliant!

There is room for more snow!


Another 6 inches over night...I really need to get my wellies. Make sure you wrap up kids. To be honest, there is no way to look fashionable in this weather...I say this because I'm wearing bright red trainers!